ESG as part of board remuneration: An Overview in DAX-40

Sustainability reporting in Germany is undergoing major changes – keyword CSRD. But how prepared are companies for the basic building block of the CSRD, the materiality analysis?
Materiality Analysis in the DAX-40: The Status Quo

Sustainability reporting in Germany is undergoing major changes – keyword CSRD. But how prepared are companies for the basic building block of the CSRD, the materiality analysis?

There are many articles about the opportunities and risks of using AI-powered content creation
Behind the Indicator: the UN Global Compact

The UN Global Compact (UNGC) describes itself as the “world’s largest and most important initiative for sustainable and responsible corporate governance”. With way over 20,000 participating companies and other organizations from over 160 countries, the UNGC has formed a global network to campaign for human rights and against corruption, among other things. What are the […]
Do Not Forget: The “S” in ESG

In the context of ESG, the focus of investors and companies is usually only on the areas of environment and governance. The social aspect of sustainability is often perceived as less important. No surprise: diversity and inclusion, for example, are more difficult to measure than CO2 emissions. So what is behind the ‘S’ in ESG […]
Why greenwashing does more harm than good

If you’re concerned with ESG, there’s one topic you can’t avoid: greenwashing. Since the awareness of sustainability has been growing, scandals about large and small companies that engage in greenwashing have become public again and again. Greenwashing describes the attempt of organizations to maintain a green image through communication, marketing or publicity campaigns without actually […]
ESG: This Is How You Achieve the Quick Wins

The panic is rising: you received an ESG rating update – and it doesn’t look good! In this article we explain what you can do to upgrade your rating in the short term without having to change your entire company structure. ESG ratings from large rating companies such as ISS, MSCI or Sustainalytics include many […]
Behind the Indicator: Environmental Management Systems

Companies are required to be transparent about hundreds of ESG indicators – by rating agencies, investors and other stakeholders. The situation is further complicated by the fact that the focus is on different indicators depending on the industry. To avoid losing sight of the big picture, we shed some light on what’s behind each ESG […]
ESG – another toothless tiger of sustainability?

Time and time again, headlines appear about ESG greenwashing or overblown advertising for sustainable products, subsequently sanctioned by courts. The complaints about ESG go rampant: too little substance, too few results, too little (real) sustainability. What’s true about those criticisms – and what is overblown? Here comes our take at Via Tomorrow: This tweet flared […]
IFRS FTW? Here comes the big ESG reporting standardizer

Sustainability reports are still prepared according to many different standards and guidelines. DNK, GRI, SASB or TCFD are just a few examples. But what do these abbreviations actually stand for? And what about the perspectives for uniform reporting standards? The International Financial Reporting Standards Foundation, (in short: IFRS), is a non-profit organization founded in 2001. […]