VIA TOMOrrow consulting

ESG Data Gathering

Services ESG Data Gathering

Data Identification

What ESG data should you collect and communicate? We provide guidance and select for you the most relevant ESG information of your industry - based on hundreds of possible ESG data points from various sources. In selecting the amount of ESG information, we are able to adapt to your requirements: from ESG indicator shortlists during an IPO to more detailed data structures to aim for ESG rating improvements from multiple agencies.

Data Collection

All theory is gray - that's why we also advise you on setting up and optimizing reliable ESG data collection structures within your company and in the supply chain. This way, we ensure that you continue to meet upcoming increasing ESG reporting requirements. Also, we take care that your data collection processes involve as little extra effort as possible for the employees involved.

EU Taxonomy Compliance Check

As a result of the EU taxonomy, companies will need to break down all their sales and investments as "sustainable" or "non-sustainable" in the future. The first reporting requirements for companies will apply as early as 2022. We check to what percentage your sales and investments can be classified as "sustainable" and advise you on how to qualify for sustainable investments.

Use Case ESG Data Gathering

A company planning an IPO with an initial market capitalization in the upper smallcap range is asking for support in setting up a structured ESG reporting in the short and medium term and collecting relevant ESG information for this purpose.

First, the consultants create a shortlist of approximately 30 ESG indicators on the basis of relevant ESG standards. This includes relevant data that can be collected and communicated during the IPO process.

After the successful IPO, the first ESG report for the company is already due for publication the following year. For this report, the list of ESG indicators to be collected is significantly expanded in order to best meet legal and ESG rating agency requirements. In close consultation with the responsible departments in the company and the most important partners in the supply chain, practical data collection difficulties are overcome. In parallel, long-term ESG data collection structures with clear processes and responsibilities are being established.

Finally, following the successful completion of the first cycle of ESG reporting, a joint review process takes place in order to further standardize and thus simplify the ESG information collection work for all those involved in the company in future reporting cycles.

Your Needs Front and Center

Do first ESG data collection structures already exist at your company and you are primarily looking for support in optimizing them? Or do you need help with another specific ESG data topic? Then feel free to contact us and find out how we can best tailor our ESG information services to your needs.

Click here for our other ESG service areas:
ESG Strategy
ESG Analysis
ESG Reporting

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